Terms and Conditions

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These General Conditions regulate the use of this website that OpenDireito makes available to Internet users. The use of this page, www.opendireito.com, implies the acceptance of these General Conditions, which the user must read each time he or she intends to use said page because both the page itself and these conditions are subject to modifications. Access to this website is the exclusive responsibility of the USERS and implies acceptance and knowledge of the legal warnings, conditions, and terms of use contained therein.
1.- Legal information


This website, www.opendireito.com, belongs to OPENDIREITO LLC with a legal address at 2200 50th Terr SW, NAPLES, FL 34116, USA, and with representation in Ecuador through OPENDIREITO S.A. with a legal address at Hermano Miguel Solar 76 Mz 2, Edificio Hermanos Estrellas, Guayaquil, Ecuador; By email [email protected].

2.- Data protection

We inform you that the personal data collected voluntarily in the forms on this website, by contacting our WhatsApp contact number or by email, and that the acceptance of your submission authorizes OpenDireito to incorporate them into a file owned by it.

OpenDireito strictly complies with the duty of confidentiality of personal data and the treatment of the same confidentially, assuming, for these purposes, the technical, organizational, and security measures necessary to prevent their alteration, loss, treatment, or unauthorized access. OpenDireito is exonerated from any responsibility if the information voluntarily provided is incomplete, untrue, or unreal by the USERS of this website.

OpenDireito guarantees that the data will be treated to maintain the appropriate commercial and promotional relations on the services of this company, with you or the entity that you represent.

More information is in our Privacy Policy.

5.- Customer Service

Customer service refers to assistance with support activation, license activation, enrollment in training courses, or requesting delivery status of a product or service. Customer service is available Monday through Friday, 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. CST (Eastern Standard Time, Florida Time). If you request assistance on Friday afternoon, you will receive contact from our executives the following Monday. Contact information can be found here.

6.- Order Cancellation and Refunds

A customer may cancel an order only prior to the start of: a monthly support subscription, upon receipt or activation of a license, or prior to the start of training. OpenDireito will refund the initial payment, less a 6% penalty, related to the administrative and banking costs required to execute the refund. In the case of hourly support contracted online, it can only be canceled if the customer has not made use of the support; if the customer has initiated the support through the support channels indicated according to the product, OpenDireito will not proceed to cancel the order or process a refund.

Annual Support Subscriptions: OpenDireito distributes support on several products with an annual subscription, this subscription is valid from the moment the customer successfully makes the purchase and makes the payment. After this time, the established agreement will last for one year. The customer can request a refund on a subscription, up to 30 days after the date of purchase of the subscription. OpenDireito will retain 6%, related to the administrative and banking costs required to execute the refund.

Certifications: Exam fees and certifications are not refundable.

To initiate a cancellation or refund process, contact information is located here.

7.- Computer security

OpenDireito informs you that this page does not contain viruses, spyware, or malicious software, and that it does not use cookies for your navigation.

8.- Introduction of links on the page

Internet USERS who wish to introduce links from their own web pages to this web page must comply with the conditions detailed below:

  1. The link will only link to the home page or main page but may not reproduce it in any way (online links, copy of texts, graphics, etc.).
  2. It is prohibited to establish frames or frames of any kind that surround the page or allow the viewing of its contents through Internet addresses other than those of the page and, in any case, this prohibition also includes viewing them together with content outside the page, so that:
  • It causes error, confusion, or deception in users about the true origin of the content.
  • It represents an act of unfair comparison or imitation.
  • It serves to take advantage of the reputation of the brand and the prestige of OpenDireito
  • In any other way that is prohibited by current legislation or violates the uses and customs of good professional practice that are generally accepted on the Internet.

Under no circumstances will it be stated on the page where the link is located that OpenDireito has given its consent for the insertion of the link or that it otherwise sponsors, collaborates, verifies, or supervises the services of the sender.

The page that establishes the link must faithfully comply with the law and may not, in any case, have or link to its own or third-party content that is illegal, harmful, or contrary to morality, decorum, and good customs or that is inappropriate and conflicts with the activity of OpenDireito.

9.- Intellectual and industrial property

All the contents of the page: www.opendireito.com, are the intellectual property of OpenDireito S.A. or third parties and may not be reproduced, copied, pasted, linked, transmitted, distributed, or manipulated in any way and for any purpose, without the prior express written authorization of OpenDireito S.A., keeping the copyright intact at all times and any other indicator of the intellectual property of the materials or content. Any use or modification of the Material or Content for any purpose other than that authorized in the General Conditions will be considered a violation of international copyright laws, which protect copyright.

10.- Ownership of Training and Software

OpenDireito shall at all times remain the owner of all rights, title, and interest in and to the Training or Software distributed on this site or TechXpert.Guru, including all Intellectual Property Rights. The Client shall have the right to access the Training or use the Licensed Software following the terms of the applicable End User Agreement for the Client’s own or internal use, or the Client’s End User right to access the Training or use the Licensed Software following the terms of the applicable End User Agreement if the Client resells the product to an end user. OpenDireito reserves all rights not expressly granted in and to the Training and Software in this document.

11.- Legislation and jurisdiction

The provision of the service is governed by United States law, with the Courts of the State for Florida being competent, to which the USER expressly submits.

12.- Conditions of Use

You browse this site and your use of the service is at your own risk, OpenDireito is not responsible for any direct, incidental, consequential, indirect, or punitive damages arising from your access to or use of this site or any information contained therein. All other trademarks, service marks, and logos used on this site are trademarks, service marks, or logos of their respective owners.